We are one of the top brick and mortar authorized Shun Cutlery Retailers in the US. We lead w the Shun product in our store so we probably have what you're looking for. Should you choose to buy online, use our affiliate link below and earn 2 free sharpenings on your purchase: Your purchase must be through the link to earn the sharpening. Note: Shun Premiers 37% off in July. Shun Classics 37% off in September at our store.
Call us first for our in-stock Kershaw or ZT items. For a larger online selection, click below for the official Kershaw Amazon Store. Feel free to make your purchase there.
If you buy from them via our Amazon affiliate link, we will offer you 2 free sharpenings on your purchased item. We are an authorized Kershaw & ZT Retailer and we can sharpen as good or better than the factory.
Kershaw Amazon Store
We carry about 20 models in stock, including Para Military and some new rare items. Call us first or please click our affiliate link below.
We are an authorized Buck dealer and have many in stock. Call us first. If we don't have it, please use or affiliate link:
We have been an authorized retailer for Zwilling Henckels since 2016. We are master sharpeners for the product. If we don't have what you want in stock, please use our affiliate link to make your purchase on Amazon. If you buy there, we will offer a free sharpening within 2 years of your purchase. Use the link below, but call us first.
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